Top skills
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
Main tools
- React
- Redux
- Linux
Software developer with a graphic design background. Autodidact and addicted to learning, always looking for a way to help people by resolving problems and creating tools.
Style & Stuff
https://stylestuff.netlify.appEcommerce fullstack project created with React, Redux and Node.js using Typescript and CSS modules with Sass.
- TypeScript
- React
- Redux
- Node.js
- Sass
C19 Live Tracker
https://c19live.netlify.appCOVID-19 tracker aplication, made with React.js using Typescript and CSS modules with Sass, consumes an API provided by Narrativa through his Covid-19 Tracking Project.
- TypeScript
- React
- Sass
https://voltsneaks.shopFullstack ecommerce website made with React, Next.js and Strapi. This site has a combination of SSG and SSR, the API was created with Strapi and Mongodb.
- JavaScript
- Next.js
- Strapi
- Styled Components